Helpful Links
Sites for Students and Families
The Bible Gateway
Use this site to search the Bible by verse reference, key word, topic, etc. -
The College Board
The College Board website offers a wealth of information for college-bound students. Its resources include a very helpful downloadable SAT practice test. Students can register for the SAT and get their results online. Highly recommended! -
Plugged In
This Focus on the Family site offers reviews of current movies and music from a Christian perspective. -
Common Sense Media
"Common Sense Media rates movies, TV shows, books, and more so parents can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids." -
Typing Club for anyone (Learn to type and practice your typing skills.)
PG电子游戏 Typing Club - Go here if you have a school account for Typing Club
CIA World Factbook - Get up to date data on all countries of the world.
BibMe: Fast and Easy Bibliography Maker
Plug in your information and have this site create your bibliography for you. -
Another bibiliography generator
Sites for Teachers
S.I.F.T. a solution for sorting truth from fiction
Information Literacy - the "C.R.A.A.P." test
Check Please - Information literacy course
TeachersFirst - A great site, easily searchable, full of curated websites and resources for all levels
Educator Clips
Free school related clip art for teachers. -
All your bookmarks on one page! -
Google Training Center
Training center on Google products for education
PBS Learning Media
Videos, lessongs, productivity tools and more!
The central education website of the Smithsonian Institution
Create rubrics for your project based learning activities.
Teacher resources, lesson plans, and activities
A fabulous resource for primary sources
The Noun Project - Icons for Everything
Some of the icons on this site are from The Noun Project