Benefits of PG电子游戏
Being a part of the Conestoga Christian School community allows students to:
EMBRACE HIS PRESENCE. We develop each student in body, mind, and spirit
by integrating faith and knowledge. Illuminating God’s role in the design of the
universe encourages students to embrace His presence in their own lives and to
live every moment – even those small moments when no one is watching – with
Christ-like character.

BE THEMSELVES. Our students are painfully shy, exceptionally athletic, pro-
foundly intelligent, unexpectedly artistic, or still discovering what makes them
them. While some schools prioritize uniformity, our teachers and students
accept what makes each student unique. No matter a student’s gifts or quirks,
he/she can be the person God has created him/her to be at Conestoga
Christian School – always.
to a singlecampus layout and the continuity of our prekindergarten through
high school curriculum, Conestoga Christian School’s teachers collaboratively
monitor students’ cognitive and emotional development class to class and grade
to grade. We adapt our teaching methods to how each student learns best.

LEARN MORE. From a multi-disciplinary, experiential curriculum in elementary
school to a progressive technology program seen throughout the campus – and
everything in between, from diverse electives, to competitive athletics, to
professionally produced musicals – students learn more about themselves, their
world, and their faith at Conestoga Christian School.
THINK FOR THEMSELVES. We mold boys and girls into young adults who can
think for themselves. Here, they learn to solve problems creatively. They learn
to advocate confidently for their ideas. They learn to collaborate with an open
mind. Ultimately, Conestoga Christian School teaches students how to think,
not just what to think.

EXCEL IN COLLEGE. While some Conestoga Christian graduates join their family
businesses or transition into the work force, many enroll in colleges across
Pennsylvania and around the country. There, as students, leaders, and dis-
ciples, they excel inside and outside the classroom.